CY truck
ASB Biodiesel

ASB Waste Cooking Oil Collection Service

About ASB Chun Yip

ASB had developed several operation schemes in order to provide an extraordinary Used Cooking Oil collection service,

  • Established a subsidiary logistic company – ASB Chun Yip to collect Used Cooking Oil in Hong Kong
  • Expanded our operation area to Discovery Bay, Cheung Chau, Sha Tau Kok, and more!
  • ASB Biodiesel and ASB Chun Yip are 2 of 29 authorized Waste Cooking Oil collectors by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) (Registration number: WCO-CR-1602020 and WCO-CR-1603013 respectively)

In order to promote “turning waste into energy” and to reduce total waste in Hong Kong, we promise that every drop of used cooking oil we collected will only be used as feedstock to produce biodiesel at our biodiesel plant.

There’re over 20,000 registered restaurants in Hong Kong, an estimated 20,000MT of used cooking oil, and 175,000MT of grease trap waste were produced by the F&B industry annually
Environment Bureau

what is used cooking oil?

Waste Cooking Oil

Oils abandoned from any cooking process for human consumption, regardless whether they have been used for their original purposes, examples include:

  • Used cooking oil
  • Grease trap waste
  • Unused cooking oil
    (abandoned for reasons such as spoilage)
  • Oil and grease separated from grease trap waste
our services

ASB Used Cooking oil Collection Service

ASB Biodiesel is the largest Used Cooking Oil Processor in Hong Kong, in order to collect more Used Cooking Oil locally, ASB Chun Yip (our subsidiary) was established in 2013 to provide logistic and collection services to public. Both ASB Biodiesel (HK) Ltd and ASB Chun Yip Ltd had received the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification.

We have collected Used Cooking Oil from more than 5,000 outlets, which is estimated around 50% of Used Cooking Oil in Hong Kong.


HKEPD Waste Cooking Oil Collecter

Looking for waste cooking oil collection?

We operate the largest regional network of waste oil collection and sell our clean fuel locally and internationally.