2019 July 29
The FHKI held the 59th Annual Luncheon

2019, July 29

香港工業總會假香港JW萬豪酒店舉行第59屆會員周年午宴,ASB 生物柴油榮幸出席並贊助事次活動,當中工總邀得商務及經濟發展局局長邱騰華擔任午宴主禮嘉賓,超過近600位政工商界人士撥冗出席,場面盛大。

The FHKI held the 59th Annual Luncheon at JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, with Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Mr Edward Yau as the Guest-of-Honour. ASB Biodiesel gladed to sponsor and attand this event. Over 600 guests, including governement officials and business leaders, attended the luncheon.